Jack ‘s Room is finally DONE!

September 25th, 2010

2nd month and where does the time go?

September 9th, 2010

First month gone! Our baby is growing up so fast!

August 9th, 2010

Stay tuned..

The first couple of weeks, adjusting to life with a newborn

July 30th, 2010


Week 1:

Unexpected Delivery

July 9th, 2010

Our healthy baby boy was delivered today at 2:30PM weighing 5 lbs, 13 oz. Welcome to the world Jack!

Bursting at the 36 week seams…

July 7th, 2010

I feel like a blimp at this point.  My  feet are super swollen and it’s very uncomfortable for me to sit for extended periods.  Just a few more weeks and we’ll get to gaze into our sweet baby’s eyes for the first time.

Jack’s Tropical Baby Party

June 20th, 2010

Despite our worries for the weather, the party turned out great.  A special THANKS goes out to my brother Karl for roasting a delicious pig, my Sister-in-law for helping plan and organize the party, and my mother for being the driving force behind it all. Frank and I had a wonderful time and believe the guests did too! Jack received so many wonderful gifts, all of which he is sure to love!

And he shall be named…

June 15th, 2010

Jack Orlando! After our fathers..

Both remarkable men in their own ways.

Mother’s day at 27 weeks

May 10th, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms and moms-to-be out there! 

Poem to Jack from Dad

May 1st, 2010

This is a Poem Frank wrote back in December before we knew the gender:


whatever your middle name
ends up being
I hope
you turn out to be a boy
or I will feel bad
about this poem.
Maybe a hard drive crash
will save me.
This is your father
and off the bat
(and there will be bats, boy)
you should know
this is what I do
at night when I
seem to worship
the light from the square
in front of my face.
I write about love.

You are now a dot
in some other dots
(it reminds me of a hurricane)
on a picture
3 x 4
or so
on the side of the fridge
where no one can see
except your grandmother maybe
(that would be funny
I know her first word would be, “Oh.”)
if she showed up

we’re going to have problems.
I anticipate you may
wreck my bike
hate my mower
aim your first
fuck you
at me
learn the shape of my hand
recognize the steel in me
when it rises
let me in one ear
and always out the other
rail at me
when you mean to
do it to the world
and disagree with me
for the best reason ever:
just because.

there are truths
you need to know.
I didn’t mean
to make things hard.
Shit will happen.
Damn it.
The internet just died on me.
Love is worth it
every time
even if it’s wrong.
you and I
will share
Infinite varieties of breakfast