The eve of Jack’s 1st birthday…

July 8th, 2011

One year ago today, I was still 36 weeks pregnant and uncomfortable! Our doctor wanted to induce me for fear of the Cholestatis’ effect on Jack. So we checked into the hospital and the rest is history, as they say.  I remember feeling unprepared, scared, itchy, tired, excited and out of shape.  The next day, our beautiful baby boy was born weighting 5lbs 13 oz. From the moment I heard his little kitten like whimpers, my whole life changed. What’s not to celebrate? Jack’s birthday will always be a big deal for us. He should know how happy we are that he was born and how important it will always be to celebrate his life, our little guy that brings us so much joy. Over the past 12 months, he has changed so much and has conquered many developmental milestones. Each feat worthy of its own celebration.

Frank and I on the eve of Jack's birth...

Jack just mins after his birth.

And the months that followed..

Jack @ 4 weeks

Jack @ 2 months with 1st smiles

Jack @ 3 months with his budding personality

Jack the Bumbo Master @ 4 months

Jack chilling in his bouncy chair at 5 months

Tummy time master at 6 months

Mr giggles at 7 months

Jack sitting at 8 months